Minimum leaf width: 5 mm
Spectrum measurement time: 4 sec (single measurements)
Spectrum measurement range: 400 nm – 850 nm
Requirements for field measurements: 20 plants per measurement session
Minimum leaf width: 5 mm
Spectrum measurement time: 4 sec (single measurements)
Spectrum measurement range: 400 nm – 850 nm
Requirements for field measurements: 20 plants per measurement session
Dimensions: 220 x 110 x 35 mm
Weight: 500g
Connectivity modules: GSM, GPS
Battery life: 24 hours with full charge. USB - B cable
Web-based analysis tool
Cloud-based algorithm
Insights within minutes after measurement!

Patented method
Developed and tested for over 15 years
Instant insights
Cloud based database connected to software & hardware for instant insights post-measurement
laboratory level standards
Over 85% of deficiencies diagnosed by Smart Agrometer are also deficient in nutrient concentration tests.
all core nutrients
Know precisely what your field is lacking at a particular moment in time
compact & easy-to-use
Handheld tool with mobile software integration - requires little training to use
The project has garnered interest and support from leading industry players in agriculture & technology. Interested in becoming a distributor in your market? Get in touch through the contact box below.


Ernestas Petrauskas

Andrius Čiapas

Mantas Baltrušaitis

Vytautas Petkus

Kipras Kazlauskas
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 790820

UAB "Žemdirbių Konsultacijos" together with MB "Konsultacijos Įmonėms" is implementing the project "Development of an innovative plant diagnostics solution".
For more details in Lithuanian, please see here